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Heads Up! NSW Pet Ownership Rules Change

As a pet-parent, you most likely know that all NSW dogs and cats currently have to be microchipped by 12 weeks of age and registered on the NSW Pet Registry. 1st July Changes to Companion Animal Legislation From 1st July 2020, owners of restricted dog breeds and dogs declared dangerous will be charged an additional […]

How do we recognise pain in our pet?

There are a few things that make recognising pain in our pets trickier. First of all, our pets can’t tell us if they are in pain. And to complicate matters, sometimes our pets tend to hide their pain because in nature when pain or weakness is shown, they are more at risk of being targeted […]

I’ve found a baby bird, now what?

It is well and truly springtime, and during this time, people are more likely to find baby and adolescent birds (fledgelings) on the ground. What to do? First of all, finding a baby bird on its own doesn’t necessarily mean that it is orphaned. Other reasons for finding a baby bird on its own: Mum […]

Doggy Baby Teeth

Puppy baby teeth, whatever could go wrong? When our puppies (and kittens) are born, they are toothless, just like human babies. Baby teeth, also known as deciduous teeth or primary teeth, in our puppies erupt from about 3 to 6 weeks of age. The permanent or adult teeth come through from about three months of […]

Leptospirosis alert – a deadly dog disease!

You may be aware of a new disease, potentially lethal for both dogs and humans alike, being diagnosed in areas of Sydney in recent months. The disease is called Leptospirosis, and it is caused by Leptospira bacteria. The bacteria are spiral or corkscrew-shaped and infection can occur through the skin or mucous membranes (including gums […]

Pet Winter Hazards

Winter has finally arrived, and with it, so have the shorter days and colder temperatures. As we feel the cold, so do our pets. What can we do to support our fur babies, so they too are safe and comfy during this time of the year? Keeping our pets warm, both during the day and […]

Tips for bringing your cat to the vet

According to recent surveys, cats are the second most popular pet in Australia, after dogs. However, for a cat owner, a visit to the vet can be far more stressful than taking your pooch for a health check. Add to that the fact that cats are extremely good at hiding illnesses, and most cats end […]

Easter Chocolate Warning

Easter is nearly upon us, and the Easter Bunny is known to visit many of our clients’ homes to hide Easter chocolates, which is very exciting for the humans in the family. However, spare a thought for our pets, especially if they decide to take it upon themselves to partake in the Easter egg hunt, […]